Breathwave Ireland


Our work is to establish and conserve permanent native woodland in Ireland, encouraging land regeneration and biodiversity. What inspired you to work with Hometree?
As part of the Breathwave message and community building focus I wanted to create an incentive for members to give back to the lungs of the land. Planting trees with a professional but not corporate outfit was on my radar. I checked out a few different outfits in the business, I had also known Matt through a friend and was happy to join up with Hometree.

You will not see some of the trees you are planting reach maturity, what has inspired such a long term vision?
Planting trees, like having children has no certainty. We can only do our best and create a suitable/safe/supportive  environment for which saplings can mature and contribute by giving back to the earth from which we come from. The human species has moved itself too far away from the connection to the land/ nature and each other. The commitment to planting trees to who's shade I will likely not sit in is the least I can do.

Have there been any key moments you can share about how you or your organisation decided to support a more abundant and healthier world?
Key moments are something I experience and share in every time I am in the presence of people who want to change/heal and do the work. I have created and platform with a growing community of 'pulmonauts ' > people who surf the inner ocean of their deeper self. I see ripples turn to waves, waves to swells, swells to typhoons and on, every day is a key moment.

Would you like to share any key lessons life has taught you?
Life has thought me - the more I learn, the more I realise how little I know. To use a quote from Helen Keller: '' I am only one, but I am still one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.''

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