Celebrated Experiences


Our work is to establish and conserve permanent native woodland in Ireland, encouraging land regeneration and biodiversity. What inspired you to work with Hometree?
Our passion for the people and land of Ireland. As a company we are always looking for ways to give back and we love the creativity and bold vision. We saw other partners that we truly love, and respect involved - such as The Killarney Park team. Many of our clients will visit these regions, and we are excited to open their eyes to this project and even better that they can learn how to participate and support it.

You will not see some of the trees you are planting reach maturity, what has inspired such a long term vision?
As a family-owned company, we have always believed deeply in the importance of taking care of each other now and for our future generations as well. It’s our moral responsibility to leave this world in a better place than we found it. We boldly believe that one person at a time, one dollar at a time and one tree at a time will make a difference. And while we may not see the overwhelming tree canopy that will be there one day, these images loom large in our imagination and bring us joy!

Would you like to share any key lessons life has taught you?
The more you give, the more you get. My parents taught me that we have a responsibility to each other and our world. They often shared the Jewish concept called Tikkun Olam where we have a moral responsibility to help the world. I have found in my life that no matter how hard times are, every time that we have leaned in and helped people and thought about doing the right thing, revenues have followed.

Have there been any key moments you can share about how you or your organisation decided to support a more abundant and healthier world?
During some of the darkest moments for the travel industry in the financial crisis, the typical response is fear and holding back on charitable support. Even though times were hard for me personally and professionally, we decided to launch Celebrated IMPACT. I believe that for every dollar we have donated over the years, we have received many dollars back in return. I am not sure if it’s karma, but I do believe that giving when times are hard stokes the flames of goodness and kindness within our own company and it has been a key part of creating a culture where our team loves working together, supporting each other, looking after our clients, supporting our partners and repairing the world.

IMPACT – Our charitable program where we donate $1 to charity for every room night booked throughout the year. Additionally, nearly 15 years ago we made the decision to stop mailing holiday cards and instead shift resources to Celebrated Impact. This initiative helps causes that our industry cares so much about. In 2023 we donated a record number at $56,935 to match the 56,935 room nights we booked that year! We have a passion for All Season Travel. We work hard to educate about the benefits of traveling outside of peak months. When we pivot travelers to less busy times, it enhances the guest experience and supports local communities. Travel not only creates connection and greater understanding, but it also creates economic impact for real people we care about, from friends at hotels to local guides and artisans. Being conscious of how impactful All Season Travel is to our destinations - and sharing this with clients - can make the world a better place.

We are working hard to be a leader in the travel industry to create better travel experiences, not just for the traveler but for the destination. We do this by spending more time in fewer places, getting to know local producers and artisans, working them into itineraries and doing our best to encourage travel to Ireland in all seasons. There is no doubt that there is a quiet but massive impact through the transfer of capital that occurs in travel. When done correctly the trips we design not only shape a person’s positive vision of Ireland and its people, but also through the transfer of capital through the guest spend during the trip, the destination and people benefit as well. We are passionate about creating travel experiences that yield benefits to regions economic sustainability and environmental sustainability. Regional visits – to drive sustainable communities.

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