Harry’s Nut Butter
Harry Colley



Hometree’s purpose is land regeneration, how does this align with your company/organisation?
In almost everything we do we extract so much from the earth. Even a young, small peanut butter company like this one can go through a hell of a lot of cardboard and glass and at this moment in time I don't even know how to account for fuel or fertilizer and myriad other extractions of the earth, so these are our first proud steps to a much longer journey of making this business a more sustainable and hopefully one day a carbon negative one.

What is inspiring you to work with a regeneration process like Hometree?
You know it was actually looking at other food businesses I respect and admire like Minor Figures, who do a lot of work and put a lot of effort into their sustainability projects, but they hide it deep in their website, so you have to go digging for it and that just felt like the opposite of Greenwashing, and I thought that was cool.

Other than Hometree can you celebrate other ways you or your organisation supports a healthier environment?
We're always trying to get better. Currently our labels contain laminated plastic, because the original labels were too porous and stained too easily, but it's still not sitting right with us. We're on the hunt for a new material, with no plastic, completely biodegradable and easy to rip off when done, in order to reuse or recycle the jar without hassle. It's a head-melt trying to find a material that a do all of those things but we're taking the steps to decrease our impact as much as possible and working through our systems to see where we can make a change.

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