Studio Dmau
Daryl Mulvihill



Hometree’s purpose is land regeneration, how does this align with your company/organisation?
We make plans and designs with communities to improve their environment, we help to connect people with place through play and participatory placemaking. This involves looking into the future to imagine a better world, the work at Hometree aligns with this vision, to create a greener wilder and more biodiverse planet for all.

What is inspiring you to work with a regeneration process like Hometree?
Hometree are a local organisation in the West of Ireland planting native species, being from Galway and working on projects in Ireland we wanted to support such local down to earth initiatives as a way of balancing our travel emissions. We look forward to see how Hometree develops in the future.

Do you have a memory that to share about a tree/forests/nature?
Playing in trees and forests as a kid is a very formative experience and it lead to many great adventures and memories. Its something we try to integrate into our playground designs which focus on open adventurous and creative play places. Places that help shape a connection between children and the natural world.

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